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What are the age groups at Little Forest Montessori?

  • Infants: 6 months to 18 months

  • Toddlers: 18 months to 3 years old

  • Children's House: 3 to 6 years old


How does the adaptation period work?

  • It's a crucial phase for a child's transition.

  • Parents are encouraged to be available during the first two weeks.

  • The initial week involves parents spending 1-2 hours daily with their child.

  • Gradual separations occur based on the child's comfort level.


Can breastfeeding mothers provide milk?

  • Absolutely! We have facilities to store and handle breast milk appropriately.

  • Our staff works closely with breastfeeding mothers to ensure a seamless experience.


How is communication maintained with parents?

We utilize a dedicated app for our communication with parents, ensuring real-time updates on activities, meals, and nappy changes. This platform serves as a source of information, keeping you updated about your child's daily experiences. Additionally, we continue to foster communication through scheduled parent-teacher meetings to address any specific concerns or share notable milestones.


What is the staff-to-child ratio in each age group?

  • Infants: 1 staff member for every 4-5 children

  • Toddlers: 1 staff member for every 6-7 children

  • Children's House: 1 staff member for every 8-10 children


Are meals provided?

  • Meals are an optional, and we provide nutritious meals.

  • Morning and Afternoon snacks have to be brought from home.

  • Please inform us of any dietary restrictions or allergies.


How are behavioral issues or conflicts addressed?

  • Our approach is rooted in positive guidance and communication.

  • We focus on understanding and addressing the underlying emotions of the child.

  • Conflicts are opportunities for learning and developing social skills.


What happens in case of illness?

  • We have a clear sickness policy to prevent the spread of illnesses.

  • Children must be fever-free for 24 hours before returning after an illness.

Little Forest Montessori

Carrer de Lope de Vega, 47

08005 Barcelona, Spain

+34 640 533 527

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©2020 by Little Forest Montessori SL

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